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Electric Motors: AEGIS Inside

Variable Speed Drives Overview
WEG Electric Corp. offers a complete line of variable speed drives from .25-8000 horse power, including multipump, shark, servo, & medium voltage drives.
CFW100 Mini Drive
The smallest Drive on the market. The CFW100 covers power levels from 0.18 to 0.75 kW (0.25 to 1 HP).
CFW10 Easy Drive
Easy and optimized resource for quick installation, programming and operating. The CFW10 covers power levels from 0.18 to 4 kW (0.25 to 5 HP).
CFW500 Machinery Drive
Fast commissioning and infinite possibilities, make this Drive perfect for machines. The CFW500 covers power levels from 0.18 to 15 kW (0.25 to 20 HP).
CFW700 General Purpose Drive
General purpose applications require everything in the same Drive. The CFW700 covers power levels from 1.1 to 132kW (1.5 to 150 HP).
CFW11 System Drive
Complex systems require the most advanced drive. The CFW11 covers power levels from 1.1 to 630 kW (1.5 to 900 HP).
The HVAC-R market deserves a dedicated and complete Drive. The CFW701 covers power levels from 1.1 to 132 kW (1.5 to 175 HP).
CFW11 Modular Drive
New generation of WEG frequency inverters for high power ratings, consisting of power units fed through a 6 or 12 pulse input retifier with line voltage from 380 to 690V.
EDP11 Enclosed Drive Panel
The Enclosed Drive Panel is an industrial general purpose AC motor control and protection package. It is designed for simple and quick installation and start-up, requiring only input power and output motor connections.
MVW01 Medium Voltage Variable Speed Drive
Designed to drive AC and synchronous motors, MVW01 is a powerful VSD for a wide range of applications. Covering voltages between 2.3 and 6.9kV and output power up to 16MW, it is also available in water-cooler version.
High technology for motors driving. WEG VSDs offer several features like easy installation and operation, compact size and have a number of special functions.
CFW08 NEMA4X Drive
The CFW08 Washdown brings the many CFW08 design benefits with added versatility for the operations of higher protection degree environments.
CFW08 Multipump Drive
High technology for motors driving. CFW08 Multipump Drive allows a system to maintain constant pressure in pipelines by drving the main and auxiliary pumps.
MW500 Decentralized Drive
A Decentralized solution brings independence for all applications.The MW500 covers power levels from 0.75 to 3.7 kW (1.0 to 5.0 HP).